
Well... my name is Becca... sometimes known as Schmecca :P orrr other nicknames :P 

Well, obviously I love Skye Sweetnam... haha!

But here's the factfile 

Name: Becca Tamsin Helena [something :P]

Age: 13

Country: England <---- woop woop!

Favorite colours: orange & nautical (red, white and blue)

Birthday: 9th April

Best mates: Anna Banana, Schmachel (go on her website) , Hazel, Emily, Schmelly :D

Favorite food: Candy floss, cake, cream, strawberries, cherries... etc. and mashed potato ! xD

Status: single and looking... but living it up in the mean time !!!

Nicknames: Twiglet, Twiggy, Schmecca, Bex, Smelly, Rebecky, TB, Becky, baby girl...

Loves: My special girls (see best mates) cello, cycling, shopping, nautical colours, clothes, shoes, H&M, Topshop, Eden, London, gigs, raves, festivals, that one boy, Skye Sweetnam, music, iTunes, iPod, my MacBook, D&G watches, sugar (the magazine), YouTube!

Hates: donkey face, bitches, the blonde bitch brigade

Favorite Websites:,,,,,,,

and she hates alona walsh cos shes a loner and she hits us and shes annoying and she smells  and shes a lezzi and i hate her so there rachel woz eren

how luvely is my Rachel ?? ;)

 I also love fashion and my favorite designers aree :
- Dolce & Gabbanna
- Jane Norman
- Jasper Conrad
- Chanel
- Dior
- Louis Vuitton

ok that's it for now... just one for thing you should know...
I'm a bit of a nutter xD

click here for my blog

I've put a song I wrote and sang myself below for my miss sporty gals to download and listen too below! It uses the tune of babydoll gone wrong... it's not very good though :(
P.S. If asked you too look at this, please download it! It should work on any computer as it's saved as an mp3 :)

File Size: 1578 kb
File Type: m4a
Download File